A new study says incorporating omega-3 supplements into the diets of children can reduce aggressive behavior in the short term, especially its more impulsive, emotional form. American researchers published their findings in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, USA.
I believe there is no harm adding omega-3 supplement into diets of children suffering from autism and ADHD even.
“How do you change the brain to make people better?” Adrian Raine, the Richard Perry University Professor asked.
“How can we improve brain functioning to improve behavior?”
These questions formed the foundation for work Raine had previously done with adolescents who received omega-3 supplements for six months. Those taking the omega-3 saw a reduction in aggressive behavior.
“Immediately after three months of the nutritional intervention rich in omega-3s, we found a decrease in the children’s reporting of their aggressive behavior,” researcher said.
No matter what therapy or system you use, could adding omega-3s to your treatment help?” Raine asked. “This suggests it could.”
Although omega-3 fatty acids have been known as essential to normal growth and health since the 1930s, awareness of their health benefits has dramatically increased since the 1980s.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has recognized the importance of DHA omega-3 and permits the following claim for DHA: “DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, supports the normal physical development of the brain, eyes and nerves primarily in children under two year of age.”
Best plant dietary sources for Omega-3:
Flaxseed (or linseed) (Linum usitatissimum) and its oil are perhaps the most widely available botanical source of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Flaxseed oil consists of approximately 55% ALA, which makes it six times richer than most fish oils in omega-3 fatty acids.
I would advise all parents having children with some kind of aggression or aggressive behaviour to add Omega-3 in their diet.