In a recent media note, Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla revealed that she would build a hospital only for children. A hospital that combines homoeopathy and ayurveda with allopathy.
Drawing from the wisdom of the old and the technique of the new, I am sure Juhi Chawla’s dream for this unique hospital would prove a milestone for homeopathy.
The decision was taken by the actress after she was moved by the plight of a 14 year old boy suffering from cancer whom she happened to meet. Juhi did help the child to the best of her capacity but that was not enough to save the child from the jaws of the disease.
“I know what I’m going to do. I will at least try to do. God please help me make this happen, build a hospital only for children. A hospital that combines homoeopathy and ayurveda with allopathy. Let every mother know that if she needs help and hope she can come there. God help me realise my dream,” Juhi wrote on her Twitter page.
I wish all the success to Juhi for her this endeavour.
Dr. Anil Singhal
I wish to Juhi, my merciful ALLAh help her
thank you.
I like juhi’s spirit.