LIGA conference and Quality of scientific clinical papers

I believe this time LIGA homeopathic conference in New Delhi, India would be held with quality of scientific/clinical papers and studies. LIGA homeopathic congress – 66th World Congress of Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) is planned from Dec. 1st to Dec. 4th this year 2011 in India.

Twelve senior homeopathic/medical scholarly personalities are set as peer reviewers of all the scientific papers submitted in different heading for the LIGA conference. They all scrutinizing each scientific, clinical, research paper or study for the appropriateness for this International homeopathic conference with a rating system from 1 to 10. Each reviewer can submit their opinion, suggestion or comment for the paper.

This rating mechanism and feedback system will keep a check on the quality of each sel ected paper for the LIGA conference. I am sure this will avoid any bias or influence from any resourceful person or organizer.

Well, authors of accepted papers have not received any notification about this rating system, and if they are not internet savvy, I am sure they will miss this essential feedback in improving their submitted paper.. Last date of submission of full paper of selected abstract is 30th Sep. 2011. Even, I just noticed this rating system in the registered account at the LIGA website

I am sure LIGA conference would prove itself a milestone establishing this therapeutic system more firmly evidence based homeopathy.

Enjoy Homeopathy.

Dr Anil Singhal
+91 9810264825

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Dr. Anil Singhal MD (Homeo)