Parenting linked to happiness and meaning in life

If you went to a large dinner party, the parents in the room would be just as happy or happier than the guests without children.

Parents experience greater levels of happiness and meaning in life than people without children, according to researchers from the University of California, Riverside, the University of British Columbia and Stanford University.

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Diabetes risk from eating white rice

Diabetes risk is significantly increased if white rice is eaten regularly. The researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health look at previous studies and evidence of the association between eating white rice and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Integrating conventional and natural medicine in treating children in US

What is Integrative Pediatrics? It would follow logically that Integrative Pediatrics is Pediatric Integrative Medicine, or simply stated, Integrative Medicine for kids.

The award-winning PBS’ “Savvy Moms” program explores integrative medicine in pediatrics, with Dana Ullman, MPH (homeopathic author and educator) and Ari Brown, MD (representatative of the American Academy of Pediatrics).

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HCG Diet

What is the HCG Diet? – Ultra-low-calorie weight-loss diet usually less than 500 calories taken along with low dose HCG, which is Human chorionic gonadotropin or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo after conception and later by the syncytiotrophoblast (part of the placenta).

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Dr. Anil Singhal MD (Homeo)