Homeopathic cough remedies

A cough is a forceful release of air from the lungs that can be heard. Coughing protects the respiratory system by clearing it of irritants and secretions. While people can generally cough voluntarily, a true cough is usually a reflex triggered when an irritant stimulates one or more of the cough receptors found at different points in the respiratory system.

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E-poster presentation size issue – LIGA 2011 New Delhi

As I am creating a poster of a clinical case for LIGA 2011 New Delhi, I feel that I must share this with all of my blog readers. The poster will be displayed at the LIGA conference on LCD 42 inch size. The E-poster will be displayed on standard 42” (Diagonal) LCD, and File format should be Powerpoint (.PPT). What exact size of the page should be of PPT?

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Government policies of Homoeopathy – Canada, Germany, India – LIGA 2011

No institution can survive unless it gets the full support and patronage from government and governmental agencies. Well, it also depends on the team and people associated with these agencies. We have seen downfall of homeopathy in US around 1910 due to improperly represented report of a University. In contrast, we have seen Royal Family support for homeopathy in UK. And, now, a lobby in UK strongly against it, and trying to ban all support in the NHS, UK

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Dr. Anil Singhal MD (Homeo)