Just after 28 days, that is, from Dec 1, 2011, we have International homeopathic mega event in New Delhi, India. There are going to be nearly 200 scientific papers. As per speakers list of LIGA 2011 conference, I would like to attend the deliberations by 3 speakers from US.
Homeopathy and yoga may cure chronic back pain sufferers
A new clinical trial again proved that yoga can provide more effective treatment for chronic lower back pain than more conventional methods, highlighting benefits of yoga in your lifestyle.
Homeopathic Kumbh Mela in New Delhi
First of all, I want to congratulate all the team members of AIIMGA for uniting all practitioners of different alternative systems of treatment in India. Organising the Dhanwantri Day Celebration symbolically represents a Kumbh where all the doctors from different systems gather and share their experiences to remove the sufferings of the mankind.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Hypertension – review
Houston offers a revolutionary, all-natural treatment program for reversing hypertension, the “silent killer” that affects more than 60 million Americans. Dr. Mark Houston is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Vanderbilt University Medical School and Director of the Hypertension Institute at St. Thomas Medical Group in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the co-author of The Handbook of Antihypertensive Therapy, a guidebook for doctors and medical professionals.
Dengue fever in India & Pakistan and homeopathic medicines
In this 2011 year again, numerous cases of dengue were reported in Delhi and other states of India and also in our neighboring country Pakistan. … Read more
Should we attend LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi?
“Should we attend LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi?” asked by some of my students. Why did they raise this question for 66th World Congress of Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)?
Top 10 most popular homeopathic & health articles in 2011
Most popular homeopathic & health articles in 2011. In 2011, we have seen upsurge in health articles on internet.
LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi, India
In past 10 days, I have received many calls and sms about LIGA conference. First of all, this year LIGA conference is going to be organized in India in New Delhi. Many homeopathic doctors were still in impression that LIGA conference would be held in US, UK or some foreign country.
Autism & Homeopathy
Autism Sunday – also known as the International Day of Prayer for Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, takes place on Sunday 13th February 2011. Autism Sunday … Read more
10 tips to manage and prevent chronic common cold
I came across one of my FaceBook friends suffering from common cold for past one month. That friend does not want to take any allopathic medicine, and I wrote some tips to manage the common cold which was becoming chronic. Common cold for last one month means it is turning to sinusitis and you might be allergic to something.