The 66th World Homoeopathic Congress 2011 or LIGA 2011 in India is over. As an aftermath, a debate was started “What we learned from LIGA 2011 at New Delhi?”. In response to Dr. Pawan’s letter, there are certain points clarified by Dr. Ashish. Dr. Ashish emphasized that we need to understand the type of this event.
What we learned from LIGA 2011 at New Delhi?
Finally a prestigious event in Homeopathy in India is over that is 66th World Homeopathy Congress by LMHI or LIGA 2011. I am sure this will prove itself a successful event in many aspect in coming time, but right now it raises certain points which might be beneficial for organizers of upcoming homeopathic conferences.
1 Dec 2011 – Day 1 of LIGA 2011 homeopathic conference in New Delhi India
On Dec 1st, 2011, we have a grand prestigious inaugration of LIFA homeopathic conference 2011. And, I would like to get the maximum learnings from … Read more
15 points to have best powerpoint presentation by Dr. Jawahar Shah
If you are looking for some better tips about powerpoint presentation for your next speech, talk, seminar or conference, then following powerpoint tips by Dr. Jawahar Shah of Mumbai, India, (owner of HOMPATH homeopathic software) might help you in a big way.
Should we attend LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi?
“Should we attend LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi?” asked by some of my students. Why did they raise this question for 66th World Congress of Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)?
LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi, India
In past 10 days, I have received many calls and sms about LIGA conference. First of all, this year LIGA conference is going to be organized in India in New Delhi. Many homeopathic doctors were still in impression that LIGA conference would be held in US, UK or some foreign country.
Practicing evidence based homeopathy
Evidence based practice (EBP) revolves around improved patient outcomes. Health professionals use the best evidence possible to make clinical decisions for individual patients. It involves complex and conscientious decision making based on the available evidence, and also on patient characteristics, situations, and preferences.
LIGA Conference in Switzerland
In keeping with the decision of AGM to organize trips for the members to attend overseas seminars, the Executive Committee has decided to form a committee of Dr. R.K. Manchanda, DR. Sudhir Sharma and Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani who would help in organizing of trip to Switzerland for the LIGA conference to held in the month of October 2006.
Homeopathic conference in Dubai
“Asian Homoeopathic Medical League” and “Century Training Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates” are organizing an International Homoeopathic Conference in the year 2006, in Dubai, UAE. … Read more
CME on 5th Feb. 2006 – Changing trends of homeopathic practice
Please update your schedule for the next month, and mark 5th Feb. 2006 for NHMC CME meet at NHMC about 2pm. NHMC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION has been actively pursuing its mission to develop a sense of togetherness in its alumnus.