Homeopathic HCG Drops in US and weight loss mystry

USA Today on 1/23/11 published a story that homeopathic hcg drops products that promise dramatic results in reducing excessive body weight in obese and claim to be homeopathic are sold as homeopathic hcg drops, homeopathic hcg tablets, homeopathic hcg pellets and homeopathic hcg sprays on the Web, in drugstores and at General Nutrition Centers. These homeopathic hcg products are supposed to be used in combination with a very low-calorie diet of 500 calories a day.

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10 tips to manage and prevent chronic common cold

I came across one of my FaceBook friends suffering from common cold for past one month. That friend does not want to take any allopathic medicine, and I wrote some tips to manage the common cold which was becoming chronic. Common cold for last one month means it is turning to sinusitis and you might be allergic to something.

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Spurious drugs under homeopathic label

In US, many people lost their sense of smell using Zicam nasal spray, a cold remedy they thought would be safer than other medicines because it was sold as homeopathic (!!). Zicam’s homeopathic label allowed it to be marketed for a decade without a review for safety or effectiveness by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Homeopathic products — over-the-counter remedies that use plant, mineral or animal derivatives — don’t need marketing clearance from the FDA under U.S. rules.

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A Case by EB Nash

Today, I am sending you a small case… and I would like to have your comments… Patient was a lady, 75 years of age, who was suddenly seized with sickness at the stomach and vomiting of blood in large quantities; then bloody stools followed, which were at first profuse, then became small and of bloody mucus. There was great tenesmus and pain in the bowels.

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Dr. Anil Singhal MD (Homeo)