21st Century Medicine and Hahnemann’s Homeopathy

I am writing some of my thoughts related to a man who has given this world a new vision treating suffering mankind in a very gentle and harmless way against the torture-some way of treatment therapies of his time. Probably, you are right in your estimate – I am talking about Dr. Hahnemann who placed a foundation of therapeutic system in the later part of 18th century – a new way of treatment – called Homeopathy.

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Is understanding your health a puzzle?

Managing your health can be complicated. Every day, we face situations that involve life-changing decisions about our health. Research shows that today’s health information is hard to understand and use to make good decisions. But health information and services don’t have to be so complicated. It helps to be a savvy consumer.

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Homeopathic cough remedies

A cough is a forceful release of air from the lungs that can be heard. Coughing protects the respiratory system by clearing it of irritants and secretions. While people can generally cough voluntarily, a true cough is usually a reflex triggered when an irritant stimulates one or more of the cough receptors found at different points in the respiratory system.

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Dr. Anil Singhal MD (Homeo)