LIGA conference 2011 in New Delhi, India

In past 10 days, I have received many calls and sms about LIGA conference. First of all, this year LIGA conference is going to be organized in India in New Delhi. Many homeopathic doctors were still in impression that LIGA conference would be held in US, UK or some foreign country.

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HIV and Homeopathy

As per data from the AIDS Epidemic Update there are more people living with HIV than ever before as people are living longer due to the beneficial effects of antiretroviral therapy and population growth. However the number of AIDS-related deaths has declined by over 10% over the past five years as more people gained to access to the life saving treatment. UNAIDS and WHO estimate that since the availability of effective treatment in 1996, some 2.9 million lives have been saved.

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Expert Systems in Homeopathic Softwares

System is an organization of functionally interactive units for the achievement of a common goal. All systems have inputs, outputs, and feedback, and maintain a basic level of equilibrium. For example, in the human body the heart functions to support the circulatory system, which is vital to the survival of the entire body.

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Dr. Anil Singhal MD (Homeo)