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Papers presented:
- “Use of Homeopathic Repertories in Heart conditions” in a CME for practitioners, on 28th May. 2010, organised by Heart Care Foundation & IIHP, in New Delhi.
- “Evidence-based Homeopathy – my views” in a workshop organised by The Renewal, on 11th April 2010, in New Delhi.
- “Homeopathy treats a case of Angioma of Upper Lip” in a Seminar on Success Stories, organised by RRI Guwahati & CCRH, from 5th – 6th Feb. 2010, in Guwahati.
- “Evaluating Obesity in Clinics” in a CME for practitioners and students, on 2nd Jul. 2009, organised by Homeopathic Study Circle – Rohini, in New Delhi.
- “Use of Homeopathic Repertories in Heart conditions” in a CME for practitioners, on 25th May. 2009, organised by Heart Care Foundation & IIHP, in New Delhi.
- “Understanding Obesity in Modern Times” in a CME for practitioners and students, on 14th Dec. 2008, organised by South Delhi Homeopathic Medical Association, in New Delhi.
- “Role of Homeopathic Repertories in Paediatrics” in a Clinical Meet, on 7th Dec. 2008, in Ludhiana.
- “Relationship between Homeopathic Philosophy and Repertory” in the Re-Orientation Training Programme, on 3rd Nov. 2008, organised by Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, in New Delhi.
- “Role of Repertories in Gynaecology and Obstetrics” in the Re-Orientation Training Programme, on 27th Sep. 2008, organised by Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, in New Delhi.
- “Spiders in Homeopathic Practice” in a CME for practitioners and students, on 11th Nov. 2006, organised by South Delhi Homeopathic Medical Association, in New Delhi.
- “A tribute to Dr. Yudhvir Singh” and “Amazing Spiders in Homeopathy” on the occasion of 109th Birthday Celebration of Dr. Yudhvir Singh, on 30th July 2006, organised by Delhi Homoeopathic Medical Association, in New Delhi.
- “Use of Information Technology in Homeopathic Practice” in a CME on 2nd July 2006, organised by NHMC Alumni Association, in New Delhi.
- “Spider Group of Homeopathic Remedies” in a workshop for PG students, on 17th June 2006, organised by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, in Ludhiana.
- “Prescribing in Homeopathy” in a training workshop for ISM & H practititioners, on 27th Nov. 2005, organised by SNS Foundation, in Gurgaon.
- “An Overview of Boger’s Synoptic Key” in a workshop for PG students, on 19th Jun. 2005, organised by Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, in Jaipur.
- “Understanding Repertory” in Seminar on Materia Medica and Repertory, organised by Homoeopathic Education and Research Foundation, Gwalior, India, on 27th Feb. 2005, in Gwalior.
- “Most often used repertory – Boger’s Synoptic Key” in XIV All India Homoeopathic Congress – 2004, organised by The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, from 27th – 29th Dec. 2004, in Jaipur.
- “Overview on history of repertories” in Workshop for Homoeopaths on Ideal Repertorisation & Prescription, organised by Boenninghausen Academy for Classical Homoeopathy, on 5th Sept. 2003, in Gurgaon.
- “Choosing a Computer System in Homoeopathic Practice” and “MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks” in Re-Orientation Training Programmes, organised by Govt. of Delhi and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, from Oct. 1999 – Jan. 2000, in New Delhi.
Dear Sir,
i want to make my carrer in homeopathy.i am looking a college for bachelors degree in homeopathy.I am residing at rohini,kindly sugest me the best college for me.looking forward your earliest reply.