Reverse Your Heart Disease in Just Eight Weeks – If you’re one of the 13 million Americans who have survived a heart attack or been diagnosed with heart disease, Dr. Janet Bond Brill offers a delicious and foolproof plan that can lower your risk of a second heart attack by up to 70 percent. Inspired by the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, the Prevent a Second Heart Attack Plan is based on satisfaction, rather than deprivation.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Hypertension – review
Houston offers a revolutionary, all-natural treatment program for reversing hypertension, the “silent killer” that affects more than 60 million Americans. Dr. Mark Houston is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Vanderbilt University Medical School and Director of the Hypertension Institute at St. Thomas Medical Group in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the co-author of The Handbook of Antihypertensive Therapy, a guidebook for doctors and medical professionals.
Top 10 most popular homeopathic & health articles in 2011
Most popular homeopathic & health articles in 2011. In 2011, we have seen upsurge in health articles on internet.
Doctors’ Day in India – July 1st
I pass my best greetings to you on Doctors’ Day. I salute your dedication towards profession helping the mankind. National Doctor’s Day is commonly celebrated … Read more
Walk 3000 steps for your best health
For the last 2 months I am trying to reach my target of walking 10,000 (ten thousand) steps a day. I do walk nearly 5000 steps during my daily walk, and planning to increase this to 8000 steps so that I can make it to 10000 steps a day.
SMS on Friendship Day
I received following SMS on different Friendship Days in past:- I am thankful to everyone for their love & affection. (‘,’)/\(‘,’) <) ) ((> … Read more
Broccoli – good for heart and health
I believe, people who lead unhealthy lifestyles are more likely to suffer from different heart ailments and conditions than those who eat and drink sensibly, … Read more
Expert Systems in Homeopathic Softwares
System is an organization of functionally interactive units for the achievement of a common goal. All systems have inputs, outputs, and feedback, and maintain a basic level of equilibrium. For example, in the human body the heart functions to support the circulatory system, which is vital to the survival of the entire body.
Influenzinum – a homeopathic medicine
As I mentioned in my analysis about H1N1 influenza and homeopathy, there was some SMS about influenzinum for swine flu or Influenza A H1N1 flu widely circulated in India last week. It created a sort of panic in public, and everyone started procuring it from homeopathic pharmacies even in USA. patients and friends started calling me to have more information on it.
Facts about Women and Cardiovascular Diseases
I am sending you a stats compilation on “Facts about women and cardiovascular diseases”. This was compiled by Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh (NHMC Alumnus), who is associated with Escorts Heart Institute.